Monday, April 20, 2009

Time to Celebrate!

Let's celebrate because.....
Jake turned 12 weeks old today!  AND - he had the longest sleep period last night (7:45pm-7:20am) followed by a morning nap, afternoon nap, late afternoon cat nap and asleep at 7:45pm again tonight!  BUT (there's always a BUT right?), Kylie peed her pants at least 5 times yesterday and has fallen ill with what seems to be allergies or a cold.  What is that saying.... "you're only ever as happy as your unhappiest child."  -- something like that - so true!

Anyway, I broke out the BIG camera for the Jakester today (for about 15 minutes) to document the special occasion.  Here's some pics.

The whole man - probably close to 15 pounds of him!

His sweet grin...
His eyes are still blue-gray - so we'll see....
We were outside and saying "it's too bright" - so Kylie gave him her shades.  Isn't she sweet????I guess this marks the beginning of "dress-up" with little brother.  He'll be following in his buddy Jack's footsteps!  

It's so hard to get a really good sibling picture - especially when one of them can't sit up (or even hold up his head).  But, I loved this one.

And, a comparison picture just to show that the K-Bear was quite the chubster as well.  Jake has almost grown out of the 3-6 month clothes!!!!  I got all these great hand-me-downs for summer and I don't think he's going to fit into anything in a month!  Uggghhh!


  1. Okay, I had never heard that saying before, but it is 100% true! Also, what a cutie pie ;-)

  2. Well - he has a diaper cover on! It was warm yesterday! :) We did have him on the scale nude, with his you-know-what pointed right at daddy. As luck would have it - he didn't pee. :)

  3. Love the sweet sibling pic. And OMG-Jake is so sweet....I cannot believe how bug his has grown since the last post!!! And you never know about the clothes- hey even more of a reason to shop!

  4. Big, not bug! Sorry for the typo! :)
